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L. Cassandra Hamrick, Ph.D.



Ph.D., French, Vanderbilt University
M.A., French, Indiana University
A.B., French, Sweet Briar College

Research Interests

Professor Hamrick's research interests have focused on the interrelationships between literature, culture, and art in 19th-century France. Of particular interest in this research has been the recovery of overlooked information leading to the clarification and understanding of texts, culture, and the visual arts of the time.

Publications and Media Placements

Professor Hamrick's publications have appeared in a variety of professional journals and book volumes. Among them is my critical work on the heretofore little-known art criticism of Théophile Gautier, a precursor of Charles Baudelaire, that appeared in the new Oeuvres complètes of the author published by Honoré Champion (12/24).