Saint Louis University Financial Services
Saint Louis University's Financial Services is the central point in the controller's office for departmental inquiries regarding Workday Financials reporting and processes.
Financial Services maintains and monitors Workday Financials security, the Finance Cost Center approver roles and chart of accounts attributes/worktags, and provides training for departmental users.
Find Workday tutorials in the Job Aid & Video Library
Workday Financials
Access to Workday Financials is available to employees requiring information to fulfill institutional management or operational responsibilities. Database access is not a right, but rather a privilege based on University policies and procedures designed to protect the use, confidentiality, privacy and security of institutional and personal information. Existence of a database does not imply access is generally available or that a request will be approved. Access is approved subject to specific institutional guidelines, "need-to-know" requirements, and data inquiry/update restrictions.
Access to activity Workday Financials is controlled by cost center hierarchy which permits authorized access to specific activity at various levels within the University's organization according to the executive level, school/division, or cost center. Security is also granted to Workday Gifts, Grants, Programs, Projects, or Specialties, if applicable.
Security roles are inherited when a new employee is hired into a position or an existing employee transfers to another position.
Contact with any questions regarding Workday Financials security or to request additional security.
Training Sessions
Resources include the Job Aid & Video Library worklet located in Workday under Applications on the home page (see Finance tab), monthly Business Manager training sessions (recordings are available in Skillsoft), and Workday Financials Office Hours.
See the Announcements on the Workday home page for upcoming training sessions, Workday Financials Office Hours, and Workday support contact information.
Requesting Access
Workday security roles are assigned to the employee position, with employees inheriting the roles of their position. Please contact if you have questions about your security or need to request additional security.
Reports and Statements
The CR FIN Statement of Account and CR FIN Report of Transactions are available via Workday. The Statement of Account provides an overview of the financial status of the selected worktag(s) and includes revised budget, current period and year-to-date actuals, encumbrances, and available budget information. Reports for Designated Gifts/Programs/Projects also display a beginning and ending fund balance.
The CR FIN Report of Transactions provides a detailed listing of financial transactions.
Commonly Used Workday Finance Reports
End users are able to view budget, actual, revenue and expenses for a selected “repeat by” dimension, (i.e. Cost Center, Gift, Program, etc.) for a given fiscal period and specific worktags.
View a sample Statement of Account
Report Parameters:
- Repeat by: Dimension selected to repeat by (e.g. Cost Center, Gift, Grant, Program, Project, Specialty)
- Company: Saint Louis University
- Organization: Organization selected from ‘My Organization’ or ‘My Organization Hierarchy (if applicable)
- Period: The fiscal year and fiscal period for which information on the report is provided
- Plan Structure: Budget Plan Structure selected, i.e.,University or SLUCare
- Plan Name: Plan Name selected that corresponds to Plan Structure
- Worktags: Any additional worktags selected (limited to worktags that were budgeted)
- Book: Defaults to Department; SLUCare must select GAAP Book Code
Report Columns:
- Revised Budget: Revised budget for the fiscal year (original budget plus or minus temporary and permanent budget revisions)
- Beginning Balance: Applicable to Designated (Fund 21-24), Clinical Trials (Fund 32), Construction Projects (Fund 71), Agency (Fund 91)
- Current Period Actuals: Actual revenue and expenditure totals for the current month
- YTD Actuals: Actual revenue and expenditure totals for the fiscal year
- YTD Encumbrance: Commitment of budget funds resulting from a personnel position, purchase order
- YTD Actuals and Encumbrances: Actual revenue and expenditure totals for the fiscal year plus encumbrances (i.e., current commitment of budget funds). This total represents budget funds which have been utilized year-to-date.
- Budget Available: Revised budget less year-to-date actual revenues/expenditures and encumbrances (i.e., available budget funds). Positive items represent favorable variances; negative items represent unfavorable variances.
- Percentage Used: The portion of budget funds which have been utilized year-to-date (i.e., year-to-date actual and encumbrances divided by revised budget).
- Ending Balance: Applicable to Designated (Fund 21-24), Clinical Trials (Fund 32), Construction Projects (Fund 71), Agency (Fund 91)
Summary totals are provided for the following categories of expenses:
- Beginning Fund Balance:
- Fund Balance as of July 1 of the Current Fiscal Year
- Operating Revenues and Other Support:
- Revenues: Ledger Accounts 4xxx
- Expenses:
- Salaries and Benefits: Ledger Accounts 5000-5010
- Supplies, Repairs, Utilities, and Other Expenses: Ledger Accounts 51xx-58xx
- Depreciation and Amortization: Ledger Account 5800
- Interest: Ledger Account 5900
- Net operating results: Revenue Less Expenses
- Transfers In (Out): Ledger Account 3400
- Non-Operating: Ledger Accounts 6xxx
- Net Activity: Net Operating Results, Transfers In (Out), Non-Operating
The Report of Transactions provides a detailed listing of all transactions processed against the selected Organization.
View a sample Report of Transactions
Report Parameters:
- Company: Saint Louis University
- Organization: Organization selected from ‘My Organization’ or ‘My Organization Hierarchy (if applicable)
- Fund: Fund(s) for which information on the report is provided (e.g., Fund 11: Operating)
- Year: Fiscal Year for which information on the report is provided
- Period: Fiscal period for which information on the report is provided (if the month is not closed results may not be accurate)
- Book: Defaults to Department; SLUCare must select GAAP Book Code
- Journal Number: Optional prompt to search by journal number
- External Reference ID: Optional prompt to search by External Reference ID
- Accounting Date On or After: Date range selected (instead of selecting Period)
- Accounting Date On or Before: Date range selected (instead of selecting Period)
- Ledger Accounts: Defaults to Income Statement and Transfer Ledger Accounts; or users may select specific ledger accounts or clear the defaults to see results for all ledger accounts
- Originated by: Optional prompt to search by person who originated the transaction
- Approved by: Optional prompt to search by person who approved the transaction
- Reversed Journal: Optional selection by this transaction type
- Recurring Journal: Optional selection by the transaction type
- Amount Equal To: Optional selection for amount
- Amount Greater Than: Optional selection for amount
- Worktags: Any additional worktags selected, e.g., Program, Gift, Project, etc.
- Journal Source: Optional prompt to search by journal source such as Ad Hoc Bank Transaction, Internal Service Delivery, Xerox GL, etc.
Report Columns (column headings function like Excel filter; click to open filter options):
- Fiscal Year Name: Fiscal Year to which the transaction is recorded
- Source: Journal Source (e.g., Ad Hoc Bank Transaction, Concur GL, Manual Journal, etc.)
- Fund/Function: Related worktags associated with the transaction
- Cost Center: Driver/Related worktag associated with the transaction
- Grant/Gift/Project/Program/Specialty: Driver worktag associated with the transaction, if applicable
- Ledger Account: Asset/Liability/Equity/Revenue/Expenditure account to which the transaction was recorded
- Revenue Category: Required for all Revenue transactions
- Spend Category: Required for all Spend transactions
- Assignee: Custom org (optional) for tracking financial activity by employee
- Activity Code: Custom org (optional) used for department/division specific reporting requirements
- Location: Additional worktag (optional) for tracking financial activity by location
- Supplier: Entity to whom SLU send money (vendor)
- Supplier Invoice Number: Supplier’s invoice number
- PO Number: Purchase Order number
- Payment Reference: Payment reference number
- Line Memo: Transaction line memo
- Line Header: Transaction header memo
- Accounting Date: Date indicating fiscal year and period that transaction posted to Workday
- Journal Number: Accounting Journal number
- External Reference ID: Reference number from integrations such as Concur (VBxxxxxx number) and Advancement Gifts (gift number)
- Status: Posted
- Ledger: Actuals
- Ledger Debit Amount/Ledger Credit Amount: Transaction amount
- Company: Saint Louis University
- Business Unit: For use by Payroll Services only
- Ad Hoc Bank Transaction: Ad Hoc Bank Transaction number
- Worktags: Column displaying worktags that have now been broken out into individual columns on the report
End users are able to view Budget vs Actuals by Org results for a given fiscal period and specific worktags. Report will populate current period and YTD results.
CR –FIN –Budget vs Actuals by Org
CR –FIN –Budget vs Actual SLUCare (SLUCare cost centers)
CR –FIN –Budget vs Actual SLUCare –Org Selection (Specialties or Programs)
End users are able to view fund balances for Designated (Fund 20-24), Construction (Fund 71) and Agency (Fund 91) through a selected fiscal period and specific organization. The actuals will include details such as transactions and journal lines.
CR –FIN –Fund Balance
CR –FIN –Fund Balance -Clinical Trials (Fund 32)
This report displays monthly trend of the income statement with a total. The periods
in the trend can be selected to show YTD, Last 12 months, last three months, etc.
CR - FIN - Income Statement Trend by Org
End users are able to view monthly or year-to-date activity by selected ledger accounts.
If no Ledger Account selection is made the results will be similar to a Trial Balance
report (i.e. includes balance sheet and income statement accounts).
CR -FIN -Journal Lines by Org
Data audits are reports used to view a list of Workday dimensions and their related
worktags. Available data audit reports (not everyone will have access to all of these):
Data Audit Cost Center and Cost Center Hierarchies
Data Audit Spend Categories and Spend Category Hierarchies
Data Audit Revenue Categories and Revenue Category Hierarchies
Data Audit Ledger Account and Ledger Account Summaries
Data Audit Activity Code and Activity Code Hierarchies
Data Audit Awards
Data Audit Programs and Program Hierarchies
Data Audit Projects and Project Hierarchies
Data Audit Functions and Function Hierarchie
Data Audit Fund and Fund Hierarchies
Data Audit Specialty and Specialty Hierarchies
View labor distribution details.
PRISM – LBD002 Labor Distribution Details
View details for selected suppliers.
CR FIN Find Suppliers
View payment status of supplier invoices .
CR FIN Find Supplier Payments Status
View your procurement card transaction verifications
My Procurement Card Transaction Verifications
View Internal Service Deliveries, including status.
CR FIN Internal Service Delivery by Org