Saint Louis University Undergraduate Core
The Saint Louis University Core is an integrated intellectual experience completed by all baccalaureate students, regardless of major, program, college, school or campus.
What is the University Core?
The University Core prepares all SLU students to be intellectually flexible, creative and reflective critical thinkers in the spirit of the Catholic, Jesuit tradition. The Core nourishes students’ minds, hearts, souls and well-being and guides them in discerning how to use their talents for the good of others and to find God in all things.
The Core purposefully, carefully guides students through intellectual experiences and simultaneously invites them to think about who they are and what they can bring to the table for the good of all."
Ellen Crowell, director of the University Core
University Core Mission Statement
The Core invites discovery by asking students to investigate where their individual passions and vocations lie, and to encounter and appreciate the same in others.
In the Core, students are confronted with multidimensional problems and concepts and are encouraged to respond by asking innovative questions, making inventive connections, and envisioning new ways forward.
The Core promotes integrity by strengthening the intellectual and interpersonal tools that prepare students to lead purposeful lives. Students learn to understand human cultures and the natural world, to obtain and evaluate evidence, and to integrate multiple modes of inquiry to address complex questions.
They also practice listening carefully and communicating lucidly in order to examine their values and beliefs, learn from others and form ethical commitments.
The Core inspires courage by cultivating students’ agency in their own intellectual transformations and helping them become informed citizens who create positive change.
The Core calls on students to envision a just society, recognize how and when injustice is institutionalized, and identify conditions that promote the dignity and equity of all. The Core compels students to reflect upon and step outside of themselves to navigate cultural and national boundaries and act as stewards of our planet.
The Core fosters connection by placing the acquisition and application of knowledge in context at the center of a holistic, mutually-transformative education. The Core educates the whole person by enabling students to integrate knowledge gained from both the Core and the major, and then apply that knowledge both within and beyond the University.
By providing collaborative and community-based opportunities for students to act in solidarity with others in pursuit of truth, the Core makes visible SLU’s mission of educating people for and with others in the service of humanity and the greater glory of God.
This Core illustrates why students choose to study at SLU. It provides an intellectual and spiritual foundation for their education, one that allows them to assess the moral and spiritual implications of their actions and life choices.”
Saint Louis University Provost Mike Lewis, Ph.D.