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Faculty Funding

Co-Curricular Funds

While there is no maximum award, the amount normally will not exceed $500 per project. Examples of activities that may be eligible for funding include:

  • Class field trips or attendance at cultural events
  • Service projects
  • Student retreats
  • Seminar speakers

The above list is not inclusive, and other student-centered activities will be considered.

The dean of the College of Arts and Sciences administers this fund. Requests are evaluated based on the activity’s educational value, the number of students to benefit, and the availability of matching funds from your department or other sources.

Application Process

Proposals for co-curricular funds should be clear, well-written, and signed by the appropriate departmental chairperson or program director. They must include:

  • Applicant’s name
  • Applicant’s title
  • Applicant’s department
  • Applicant’s mailing address, email address and phone number
  • Title of proposed co-curricular activity
  • Date of proposed co-curricular activity
  • One-page description of the proposed co-curricular activity and its educational value
  • Itemized budget and matching funds, if available


Funding applications are considered on a rolling basis.

Apply for Co-Curricular Funds

See the Arts and Science Faculty and Staff Policy Manual for additional details.

Fund for Intellectual Renewal and Enrichment

In order to support intellectual enrichment, the College of Arts and Sciences allocates funds to departments to sponsor activities that will contribute to the growth and vitality of academic life and intellectual pursuits at either the undergraduate or graduate levels.

The Fund for Intellectual Renewal and Enrichment (FIRE) may be used for visiting scholars, guest artists, lecture series, and individual speakers. Annually, each request may not exceed $2,000. To request these funds, please submit the FIRE Pre-Approval Request.

Mellon Faculty Development Awards 

Mellon Faculty Development Awards were established to fund faculty and departmental humanities projects. Full-time, ranked faculty members in the humanities may apply for Mellon Awards. Proposals that are humanistic in nature and submitted by full-time ranked faculty members in the social sciences are also eligible for consideration.

Mellon awards are intended to support projects in three categories: publishing/exhibitions/performances, teaching development and professional enrichment, and departmental and inter-departmental development. Applications should be submitted by accessing the link to the Mellon Google form that will be routed to the dean’s assistant. Please remember to log in to mySLU to access the form. See the Mellon guidelines (PDF) for additional details. 

Stolle Fund

The Stolle Fund awards up to $1,500 for department projects and collaborative faculty development requests. Individual faculty development requests, including travel, special projects, and small research projects not requiring capital equipment purchase are eligible for awards up to $1,000. Awards are made twice annually, with application deadlines in the fall (October 1) and spring (March 1). Applications should include a one-page description of the project or trip purpose, a brief description of projected benefits and the amount of requested funding. Applications should be submitted by accessing the link to the Stolle Google form that will be routed to the dean’s assistant. Please remember to log in to mySLU-Tools to access the form.