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M.D. Orientation

Orientation is an opportunity to get to know your classmates in the Saint Louis University School of Medicine, meet some faculty members, explore St. Louis and have fun.

We encourage you to arrive in St. Louis early enough to find housing so you can participate in and enjoy each event. We look forward to welcoming you and hope that we can make the transition to your first year of medical school as smooth as possible.

Key Orientation Events

First Day of Orientation

Monday, July 21, 2025
Medical Education Union

Parking for the week will be free in the Hickory East Garage at 1214 S. Theresa Ave., across from the Education Union.

On the first day of orientation, you will be welcomed by several members of the dean's staff, who will give you a brief introduction to the School of Medicine and present an information session, followed by a welcome luncheon at noon.

First day of orientation dress code is formal, business casual. For the rest of orientation, casual attire and comfortable shoes are appropriate.

The rest of the week will provide a variety of information about medical school life and the curriculum, financial aid, perspectives from second- and third-year medical students, and much more.

Plan for social events and activities in the afternoons and evenings to acquaint you with your new environment and your fellow colleagues. Some social events are free, others have nominal costs for tickets and transportation.

Wellness Day and other Orientation Activities

On Wednesday, you will have the opportunity to take part in "Wellness Wednesday." You will have the option to engage in wellness activities in the St. Louis region. Past activities have included hiking in Castlewood Park, rock climbing, going to the St. Louis Zoo, painting and more. 

In addition, during the week, you will have opportunities to engage with MS2 students during lunch multiple days of the week and engage in social activities in the evenings with members of your class. You will be given the option to attend a campus tour as well. 

White Coat Ceremony

The 2025 White Coat Ceremony is scheduled for 2-4 p.m., Sunday, July 27, at St. Francis Xavier College Church.

Sponsored by the School of Medicine and the Medical Alumni Association, the White Coat Ceremony is for entering students who will be “cloaked” with their first clinical white coats, the symbol of the medical profession. The ceremony is meant to foster professionalism and humanism in medicine. Parents, spouses and family are invited to attend.

Professional attire such as a sports jacket and a tie, slacks, a blouse or a dress and sweater should be worn. A group photo will also taken before the ceremony begins.

Parents or close family members who are physicians may cloak their own student. Instructions will be given at the ceremony.

Starting Medical School

Your first day of medical school classes will probably remind you of your first day of college. Don’t get frustrated if you get lost; the medical school building can be a little confusing at first.

The years of medical school are what you make them. If you start in the right way with good study habits and personal habits, you’re on the road to becoming a fine physician.